Images thru the iPhone / by Rebecca Tillett


I was recently invited into an art show this April by Chas Ray Krider at his Gallery - The invisible Gallery in Columbus, Ohio and in addition to us, Steve Diet Goedde, Aaron Hawks, and Collin J Rae will be exhibiting as well. All these men are powerhouses in the nude/erotic photography realm. I've looked up to them for years and am so very flattered to be participating in a show with them. The show is called Images thru the iPhone and is only to include pictures that have been either shot or edited (or both!) with an iPhone app. Most of the images I'll be exhibiting were shot with my DSLR (with the exception of a few self-portraits shot with my phone) but then edited strictly with my iPhone. A few of them are even popular photographs of mine...I found the idea of digging out the original raw files and re-editing them with an app (to look far different than my original edits done in Photoshop) to be an intriguing one. I'm still getting used to seeing a few of my most popular photographs in a different light. Anyway, Mr. Krider suggested each participant design our own flyer if we wanted to. What you see above, is mine! I gave it a bit of a girly feel being the only female photographer participating. ;) The model in the image is my cousin Cassie, rockin' it like always.