Quint Magazine / by Rebecca Tillett


I was recently invited to submit some work for a feature in quint magazine. Now you might be asking yourself "What exactly is a Quint Magazine?" Well, I'll tell you: it's an incredibly designed and quite gorgeous Dubai-based magazine focusing on the arts. I have to admit, most of my success resides in the Western European region so I was both shocked and flattered to learn I had some fans in the UAE!

From their website: quint magazine is an award winning (Dubai Lynx 2011) art and culture publication that was launched online in July 2010. With contributions from incredibly talented and creative people both from the UAE and around the world. quint magazine covers art, design, photography, film, fashion, music, literature, artistic events and more in order. Our aim is to provide an insightful publication to inspire and breed creativity as well as a platform from which people can express themselves to a like-minded artistic community.

I urge you to check out quintmagazine.com, not just for my work (which starts on page 80 should you be curious!) but the entire magazine as a whole. It's really quite stellar. And if clicking on the little right arrow to turn the pages is too much work, just sit back and relax - it flips through itself!

Now that I've seen the digital version, I can't wait to get my hands on the print copy!