My cousin Cassandra has been
tormenting me and tolerating me
And loving me and challenging me
And supporting me and inspiring me
And surprising me and humoring me
And encouraging me and impressing me
And teaching me and respecting me
And comforting me and growing up with me
…for the last 37 years.
I am an anomaly apparently: an only child with a little sister.
And I am so proud of this woman. And so enamored by the idea that someone whose own blood I share could be so bold and fearless in their approach to life. Someone wholeheartedly standing by their desires and convictions and absolute refusal to surrender the dream they were promised of doing what they love: the simple yet relentless yearning to be happy and fulfilled in the too few rides around the sun we’re here for. And the unapologetic and admirable rejection of the soul crushing lives we’ve all been bullied into leading and living, the confident disinterest in conforming even if it means choosing the harder more unpredictable path in life. Someone passionate with the seemingly incorruptible will to create and spread joy in spite of any personal internal struggles she may be enduring at any given moment.
Someone who knows who she is.
Even if she had to do a lot of deep digging across many years to find it.
And what a privilege it’s been to bear witness to such an evolution.
Finding yourself makes it easier for others to find you too.
And a handful of years ago a sweet and caring and funny guy named Daniel eventually found her while living together as roommates in Denver. One of those truly serendipitous circumstances. And in each other they found so many things that made them whole.
Dan recently proposed to Cass and I was honored to shoot their engagement photos last month.
This girl is getting married, something I thought she’d never do, proving yet again that she’s still evolving, and she’s not done surprising me.
I hope for many many years of happiness, love and true partnership for these two beautiful souls and I’m so grateful to be a part of it in some small way.
“It’s a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful.”