Print Giveaway No. 1 / by Rebecca Tillett


This is an 11x14 Untitled b&w print from my Beginnings set (which include images from 2003 and earlier; click the photo to see more) that was actually originally printed to send to Taschen for inclusion into the book The New Erotic Photography back in 2007. This is the actual print they scanned and returned to me.

For a chance to win this print (I also pay for shipping), comment on this blog post with your name and email address. Want two entries into the contest? Comment on my related status update with your name and email address on my Facebook fan page as well and you'll be entered twice! REMEMBER: COMMENT WITH BOTH YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS TO BE ENTERED CORRECTLY. If you comment with just a name I have no way to contact you! It also won't ensure a double-entry if you also commented on Facebook so include your name AND email address!