
Terra Australis by Rebecca Tillett

I recently returned from a 2-week trip to Australia. Officially, this was my 4th time there but only the 3rd visit I remember (I was too young to remember visit no. 1) . My mom's Australian and I maintain dual citizenship. This is beneficial to me in that if I ever wanted to live in Australia, I could but even better? I get to zip right through Customs lines as a citizen on my way into Australia AND the States! ;) It was a good trip and it was nice to reconnect with family I rarely get the chance to see. Both my husband and my mom traveled with me and in all, we visited Brisbane, Townsville, Ayr (my mom's hometown), The Whitsundays, and Sydney. This was my first time in the big cities as well as the Whitsundays and it was all so spectacular.

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