(127//365) Sometimes you have to follow your stupid fucking heart even when it feels like it's dragging you through the mud, through the darkest depths of Hell with no promise of emerging, when it completely betrays you and everything you've ever known or believed to be true about your life now and in the days to come, even when following it means you'll also be hauling 200 pounds of guilt behind you indefinitely, when doing so means risking everything and even everyone who's ever cared about you and thought of you in a certain way; as a certain type of person, when it means you become an enemy to some people behind closed doors, when it means scrapping much of your previous life and starting over and hoping for the best. Sometimes you have to follow your stupid fucking heart and smile even when you realize that in its most pure state, all you're doing is attempting to guess at what you'll regret least because you don't wanna wake up on some random Tuesday morning in 10 years and think suddenly "I shoulda…" Sometimes you have to smile and follow your stupid fucking heart even when it means that when's all said and done, you could end up with nothing and no one. Sometimes you have to smile because that's all you can do.
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