(22//365) How much of your brief little life do you live in fear? In anger? In sadness? How often do you say "I love you" ? How often are you paying attention? Staying informed? Standing up for something? How many injustices have you witnessed today alone? Did you feel more apathy than rage? What's your plan to rectify that? When exactly do you plan to start giving a shit? How often do you wake up in the morning and think "I just can't do it"? How many people have you ever hurt? Intentionally? Have you atoned? Made amends? Malevolence is repulsive and unsightly. Stifle it. Unintentionally? Made amends? Forgiven yourself? It's collateral damage, baby. Inhabit their pain and make it yours. Own it. Drown yourself in it until the suffocation is too much to bear and then let it go. When did you realize life wasn't fair? I was 4. I've spent the last 27 years in denial. When was the last time you fell? Are you still down? Get up, get up, get up. How often do you look at the bigger picture? Remember that life is so much fucking bigger than you? Yours is only one of over 7 billion puzzle pieces on this planet. This single planet in this one galaxy of hundreds of billions. Hundreds of billions, baby. Stay humble. And remember we're all mortal beings. Death comes for all of us. Enjoy the ride; transient and so beautifully concise as it so often is.
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