(68//365) Time said: with me, everything's easier. Like my distorted silhouette spilling from the bottoms of my feet at sunset on a warm sunny day - never faltering and consistently comforting that the laws of nature haven't changed. Safety in knowing some things never waiver. Never. Some things are always there. But it lied and some get harder, more damaged, more acute with Time. Time. Five thousand one hundred and forty days of my eleven thousand four hundred and fifty were spent with you. The last one hundred days were not. And I'm still struggling to find my place, attempting, in vain thus far, to numb these raw nerves in your searing presence. Life is harsh and at times, I doubt my resolve, my decisions and I question whether or not I was built properly for it. I wasn't. But I'm more than 31 years in and I'm doing the best I can. There's a reason for all of this. And maybe Time wasn't wrong,...with it everything eventually gets easier. For both of us.
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