Arti Digitali Duemilaundici / by Rebecca Tillett


Last May, I flew to Italy with my husband Adam, my cousin Cassie, and my friend Lindsay to attend the opening of my solo exhibition at the Mondo Bizzarro Gallery in Rome. None of us had ever been and were all thoroughly thrilled at the opportunity. We saw as much as humanly possible in 4 days and I had my camera every step of the way (of course!). I took thousands of photos and then spent much time selecting and post-processing my favorites in the weeks following my return. Now those very same photos will be showcased ( and hopefully sold!) at the ADD Festival in Rome at the Gallery of Contemporary Art next weekend, June 25th. This is all thanks to Dario Morgante, the owner of the Mondo Bizzarro gallery, someone I've known via the internet for several years now, and after meeting him last year - I now know to be a pretty great guy.

Having just returned from the land of Oz, I unfortunately can't make it this year but I encourage anyone who can, to GO. Oh, and if you happen to see Dario, give him a giant hug for me. Lordy knows I owe him many.