Carrie, Kyla, Pacifica, Tinsel, Zach / by Rebecca Tillett

Family portraits with 3 dogs?! WHY NOT. I don’t have a whole lot of experience shooting dogs OR kids but I’m guessing it’s the same thing really. The photographer basically makes an ass out of herself yelling, calling names, making silly noises and trying to keep the subjects all entertained at the very same time and for long enough to snap a good photo, all while praying there’’s at least one where everyone’s looking at the camera and looking normal. Well the prayers must have worked, friends, because I got more than one great photo, even if not everyone was looking at the camera, or even in my general direction. And hey, isn’t that what Photoshop is for? PHOTOSHOP? Huh? Who said anything about Photoshop?! I never digitally manipulate my images! How dare you make such a wild assumption! Just kidding, of course I do. Who doesn’t! If I have 5 separate images where one of the group of 5 is putting a great smile on display, you’re damn right I will spend the time combining all five of those images to create one AMAZING one. Luckily, I only did that once for this shoot. The rest of the photos came out great and needed very little editing. And that’s saying something with 2 humans and 3 days - 2 of which are very young dogs!

This shoot took place in Tulsa, OK. Kyla, the adorable little furry creature you see below with Carrie, is nearing the end of her beautiful journey here on earth, and Carrie and Zach wanted to capture some moments of all of them together before Kyla is called to leave for the rainbow bridge. It was such a great time and the love these two have for their pups is almost too much to bear.