And from the cadaver, wretched self-disdain and from the cadaver, only grace will remain.
My cousin Cassie (a model in much of my work) has recently found the strength within her to confess to the world that she was a victim of rape 11 years ago. From her personal Facebook:
To my friends, family, teammates, swimmers, teachers, lovers and haters:
Today I reveal to you through Facebook my deepest darkest secret. I wish with all my heart that this would be something we could talk about face to face. Please send me a message, call me, text me, come by my house.
The secret is that I, Cassie Dixon, Mama Cass, was raped. 11 years ago. I have just recently come forward and told my family, my boss, my friends.
I have just recently shifted from being a victim, to feeling like a survivor.
My survival story (in progress) is here for you to see online at
Here in Las Cruces, I have been working with the amazing Joe Deloria Azure, Tara Melton, Chynna Tiara-Renee Moore, and Michael Vogeli to put on an International Art Show called The Secret Show here in Las Cruces at the Azure Cherry Gallery on June 1 and 2 (one month from today!) If you know any person who has had a Sexual Assault experience in their life, that may have a secret (or many), and who could contribute both to filling our secret space as well as emptying out that secret space within themselves, please motivate them to creatively submit to our show! We accept any and all forms of creativity: drawing, painting, photo, video, writing, sculpture. Here is a link to the event:
and here is a link to our tumblr where you can submit!
Thank you, I love you, each and every one of you. I am alive because of you. ♥ ♥ ♥
I created the piece above and wrote this accompanying poem with her in mind:
My selves, my being, my love, my pain Trudging through madness but desperate to keep sane
Stuck between darkness and everything illuminated I, the accomplice in these suicides perpetrated
And from the cadaver, wretched self-disdain and from the cadaver, only grace will remain.
If you have something to say on this topic or wish to connect with others in this realm, share your story at: