
Succulent Low-Fi Morsels: Cassandra by Rebecca Tillett

Covid19 has spawned some pretty crazy technological adventures in the name of social distancing. FaceTime photoshoots have become one of those things. The images below are some of my favorites with my gorgeous cousin, Cass. She was at her home in Aurora, CO while I shot her on my iphone sitting in my home in the Denver area.

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Unexpected Transition by Rebecca Tillett

For as long as I can remember, to my very earliest memories and forever since, so often my first thought each morning after being jarred out of sleep by an unforgiving alarm was “Dear god, I’d rather be dead then ever have to get out of this bed again.” And ashamedly, it was not meant to be a humorous desire or a silly exaggeration. Sleep has always been my favorite part of every day, my reprieve.

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Jón Þór "Jónsi" Birgisson by Rebecca Tillett

Sigur Rós has been one of my all-time favorites since 2002, since hearing their song, Njósnavélin play over that last beautiful scene of Vanilla Sky when David had just learned he’d been dreaming for many years and choosing to finally wake up, jumps off the building in his dream. All happening against that fantastically beautiful montage of old photos and home movie footage, those snapshots and memories from our collective past gone forever now that for me, elicits such lovely nostalgic sadness.

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Balloon Girl (there is always hope) by Rebecca Tillett

I met Melissa, this red-lipped, beautifully inked, raven-haired woman less than 6 months ago. One day, nearly two months ago she confessed her love to me for Banksy’s balloon girl. She said she was dying to recreate it in a photograph for someone special to her, but wanted a snowy-filled backdrop. She wanted that vibrant red heart balloon to pop off a clean white setting.

I loved the idea.

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The Oxoteguys by Rebecca Tillett

“Human lives are not pieces of string that can be separated out from a knot of others and laid out straight. Familes are webs. Impossible to touch one part of it without setting the rest vibrating. Impossible to understand one part without having a sense of the whole.” ―Diane Setterfield

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USS Serenica Landship Housecar NCC 1796-37: The Afters by Rebecca Tillett

I probably don't need to say here that I absolutely could not have predicted that it would have been 14 more months before we were ready to post the After shots, but I'm going to say it anyway: I had no idea how long this beast would actually take us to complete.

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Abdication by Rebecca Tillett

I think every woman has a dear friend who can't appreciate her own beauty. In fact, I think nearly every woman is a woman who can't appreciate her own beauty. How many women do you personally know like that? Even more important, how long have you been looking in the mirror and cursing what you see?

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(Before I knew it I was) Home by Rebecca Tillett

I could never forget this moment and I don't need this picture. I could never forget what coming home each day to this man felt like, how we could occupy such a small space and fill it with such passion; tears and rest and laughter and food, and deaths and rebirths, and smoking and drinking, and pasts and presents and futures all commingling in space and time, and friends and sex: loud and unapologetic, and love, oh my God, love. 

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Lumiere Tintype by Rebecca Tillett

Last week my boyfriend, Mike and I had the pleasure of catching Adrian with Lumiere Tintype Photography during his summer road-trip stop here in Denver. I've always always always wanted a tintype portrait so my excitement at this can hardly be contained. I'll surely treasure this photo for many years to come.

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Brandice, Joel and Ethan by Rebecca Tillett

It's probably obvious, based on my usual subject matter, that family photography is not my forte. I sometimes make exceptions for those I've shot previously or anyone close to me in my life but even then, I tend to have a "Thanks for asking but that's not my specialty" ready to go in my arsenal of responses to the "Won't you take pictures of my family?" question, just in case.

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But I'm Here Now by Rebecca Tillett

For the past year or two I've questioned much in my life; my work, my art, my motivation, but ultimately and unnervingly my biggest question has been about my marriage. Fourteen years ago I met my husband online, fell in love with him and before I was even a senior in high school, we moved out of our parents' places and into our first apartment. We confronted life's challenges and assumed very adult roles while we were still very much children.

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